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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
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This resource contains a PowerPoint presentation on the Chinese New Year and the legends of how the Chinese calendar came to be.
You may also be interested in:
Chinese New Year Presentation - 80 Slides
This is a fully editable, 80-slide PowerPoint presentation on the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) which lasts for 15 days culminating in the Lantern Festival. The PowerPoint contains hyperlinks to animated legends of how the Chinese came to have their calendar, New Year's Eve street firework displays, the Lion and Dragon Dance and the Festival of Lanterns.<
The PowerPoint focuses on:
- The legends
- The zodiac
- Decorations
- The fireworks
- Customs
- Symbols
- Preparations
- Red envelopes
- New Year's Eve
- New Year's Day
- Street Celebrations
- The Lion and Dragon Dance
- The Lantern Festival
This resource will help to contribute to the pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning (SMSC) and will help to actively promote the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Chinese New Year PowerPoint Quiz
Coordinates in The First Quadrant Worksheets
Chinese New Year Coordinates PowerPoint Game
Chinese New Year Puzzle Pack - Word Searches, Crossword, Anagrams, Chinese Riddles, Word Making
Chinese New Year Information Sheets and Comprehensions
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This resource contains a fully editable, 35-slide PowerPoint presentation on Earth Day.
You may also be interested in:
Earth Day 110-Slide Presentation
This is a fully editable and informative, 110-slide PowerPoint presentation on Earth Day. The presentation focuses on:
the history of earth day
the aims of Earth Day
environmental issues
Earth Day projects
The Earth Day 2024 theme - ‘Planet v Plastics’
steps we can take to protect the earth
The presentation also contains links to a breathtaking video of planet earth and to the Earth Song.
A simple text version of this presentation more appropriate for younger/SEN pupils is also available:
Simple Text Earth Day Presentation
Earth Day Puzzle Pack - Differentiated Word Seaches, Anagram Puzzles, Crosswords
This resource contains 10 differentiated word searches, anagram puzzles and crosswords.
Great Thunberg Presentation
Climate Change Presentation
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This resource contains two worksheets on Year 2 National Curriculum homophones / near homophones.
You may also be interested in:
Year 2 Homophones / Near Homophones – 50 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This is a fully editable 50-slide PowerPoint lesson on the National Curriculum Year 2 homophones/near homophones list and includes the following words – there/their/they’re, here/hear, see/sea, bare/bear, one/won, sun/son, two/to too, be/bee, blue/blew, night/knight. The PowerPoint provides an explanation of the meaning of the homophones with examples and opportunities for pupils to decide which is the correct homophone. It is appropriate for Year 2 pupils and older SEN students.
Year 2 Homophones / Near Homophones – 18 Page Workbook
This resource contains 3 information pages and 15 worksheets on Year 2 homophones. Tasks include choosing the correct homophones and using homophones in sentences.
Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:
Year 2 Homophones - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook
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This resource contains two worksheets on coins, counting money and coin values.
You may also be interested in:
Year 3 Money 50 Page Workbook
This workbook has been designed to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths (WRM) small steps scheme of work for Year 3 Money - Spring Term - Week 4.
The worksheets have been designed to enable pupils to achieve the following learning outcomes:
To recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes.
To recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence §.
To combine coins and notes to make a particular value.
To add up coins/notes to find their total value.
To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.
To select the correct coins to pay for items.
To solve word problems involving amounts of money.
Year 3 Money Spring Term PowerPoint Lesson
Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:
Year 3 Money - Spring Term - PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
More Year 3 Maths Resources
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This is a short Easter quiz. You may also be interested in:
Bumper 100 Question Easter Quiz
This quiz contains 100 questions with multiple choice answers and varying degrees of challenge. It has six categories:
-Celebrity Eggheads
- Religious
- Easter Around the World
- Eggs
- Literature
- General Knowledge
The quiz can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on the egg image on the bottom right-hand corner of each slide. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. An answer sheet is included to record answers.
Sample questions:
- Which feast do Jews celebrate at Easter?
- On what street in New York does the famous Easter parade take place?
- In which country do people fly kites on Good Friday?
- In which country does the Easter wizard deliver eggs to children?
- In Ethiopia, injera is eaten at the Easter meal. What is injera?
- Who wrote the story The Golden Egg?
- In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets what colour are phoenix eggs?
- In what state would you find the Chocolate Mountains?
This resource is also suitable for SEN students due to the highly visual nature of the resource and the multiple choice format
Easter Around the World Set 1 - Cyprus, Ethiopia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy
Easter Around the World Set 2 - Brazil, Mexico, Sardinia, Spain, Sweden, USA
More Easter Resources
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This resource contains two worksheets on measuring the length of an object with a ruler.
More Free Maths Resources
You may also be interested in:
Year 1 Length and Height - Set of 28 Worksheets For the Delivery of White Rose Maths Small Steps Scheme
This resource contains 28 worksheets / workbook (with answers and progress check) of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 1 Measurement - Block 3 - Spring Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. These resources are for Weeks 8 -9.
The worksheets contain tasks (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks.
The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps:
Year 2 Maths National Curriculum Objectives
Measurement: Length and Height Measure and begin to record lengths and heights.
Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: lengths and heights (for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half)
White Rose Small Steps
Compare lengths and heights
Measure length (1)
Measure length (2)
The worksheets are designed to enable the pupils to achieve the following learning outcomes:
Pupils use the following terms to describe and compare length and height - long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; tall, taller, tallest, small, smaller, smallest.
Pupils use non-standard units such as cubes, hands and straws to measure the length and height of objects.
Pupils recognise that different non-standard units are more suitable for measuring the length and height of different objects.
Pupils understand that non-standard units should be exactly in line with the object to get an accurate measurement.
Pupils measure the lengths of objects using a ruler.
Pupils measure objects from the 0 on the ruler.
Pupils use reasoning and problem solving skills to work out solutions to measurement problems.
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This resource contains two worksheets with answers on common nouns and collective nouns.
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Click on the link below for details.
Nouns - 24-Page Workbook
This resource includes two inormation sheets and twenty two worksheets on nouns. Tasks include identifying and using all the types of noun at word, sentence and text level. These resources would be particularly useful for SATS revision and are suitable for primary aged pupils and for older SEN students who will benefit from the visual nature of the PowerPoint.
You may also be interested in:
Nouns - 100 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This is an editable, 100-slide PowerPoint lesson on nouns. All the different types of nouns are explained and examples are givengiven.
The PowerPoint contains three activities to reinforce and consolidate the pupils’ understanding of nouns.
A sorting activity that requires sorting different types of nouns into the appropriate category.
A timed noun challenge where pupils have to think of nouns in all categories beginning with a certain letter. A worksheet is provided for this on the PowerPoint.
Pupils have to identify all the nouns in the poem ‘Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth. A worksheet is also provided for this.
The PowerPoint also containsa link to a short video on nouns.
Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate.
Nouns - PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
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This is a worksheet on words ending in -ge and -dge.
You may also be interested in:
PowerPoint Lesson – Words Ending in ge / dge
This resource contains a 43 slide PowerPoint lesson explaining when to use -ge or -dge at the end of words ending in the phoneme /j/. (The /dʒ/ sound spelt as ge and dge at the end of words National curriculum , English programmes of study Year 2).
The PowerPoint includes:
- Rules for adding 'dge' and 'ge' (long and short vowel sounds, 'ge' after letters 'r' and 'n' as in large and fridge)
- Opportunities to practise spellings
- Individual / paired / group timed activity - finding as many' dge' and 'ge' words as possible in 5 minutes)
Set of 15 Differentiated Worksheets – Words Ending in ge / dge
This resource contains a set of 15 worksheets on words ending in 'ge' or 'dge'.
Tasks include:
1. Finding missing words (2 differentiated worksheets)
2. Anagrams - (3 differentiated)
3. Spelling - (4 worksheets)
4. Using ge / dge words in sentences (2 differentiated worksheets)
5. Word searches (3 differentiated)
6. Sorting words into ge / dge / vower 'r' / vowel 'n' categories (1 worksheet)
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
PowerPoint Lesson - Set of 15 Differentiated Worksheets – Words Ending in ge / dge
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This resource contains two differentiated worksheets on coordinates in the first quadrant with answers. They are ideal for lower ability pupils and older SEN students.
You may also be interested in:
Coordinates in the First Quadrant PowerPoint Lesson
More Free Maths Resources
A worksheet on silent 'k' when followed by 'n' .
More Silent k and g Resources
The Silent k and n PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains a 16 slide PowerPoint about the silent 'k' and 'g' when followed by 'n' and also a variety of exercises and worksheets to help pupils learn how to read and spell words containing the digraphs 'kn' and 'gn'. Worksheets contain 'afl' box for teachers to indicate what the pupils have done well and their next targets. Ideal for Year 2 pupils and older pupils who find reading and writing challenging.
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This resource contains two worksheets on words ending in the suffix -tion.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 33 Worksheets / Workbook - Words Ending in -tion
This resource focuses on words ending in -tion. (English programmes of study: Years 1-3. Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion)
The resource contains 33 differentiated worksheets on words ending in -tion. Tasks include finding the missing -tion words, constructing sentences, word searches, anagrams spelling practice sheets and worksheets to stretch and challenge more able pupils. All tasks and worksheets are to encourage the identification and correct spelling of these words.
PowerPoint Lesson - Words Ending in -tion
This is a fully editable, 100 slide PowerPoint lesson on words ending in -tion. The PowerPoint includes:
reading -tion words - they include all the words suggested in the new National Curriculum - station, action, etc. Additional -tion words have been added eg punctuation, fraction, addition, education.
spelling of the words by ‘chunking’. The PowerPoint visually demonstrates how to do this. The pupils are challenged to spell -tion words not previously covered.
finding as many -tion words as possible in a timed exercise.
identifying the missing letters from -tion words.
an anagram challenge of some of the -tion words.
Save money by purchasing both resources together at a discounted rate
PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 33 Worksheets - Words Ending in -tion
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This is a worksheet on addition to 10 which has been designed for older SEN and ESL students and pre-entry and entry level 1 students working towards an entry level 1 certificate in maths / maths functional skills. The worksheet is a sample taken from an age-appropriate, 25-page workbook, with progress check and answers. The workbook contains tasks and activities on addition to 10.
They include:
adding objects to 10
addition to 10 using a number line
number bonds to 10 using ten squares
doubling single digit numbers to 5
adding 3 single digit numbers within 10
addition to 10 word problems
finding the missing numbers in additions within 10
addition to 10 reasoning and problem solving tasks
Entry Level 1 Maths: Addition 10 Twenty-five Page Workbook
More Free Maths Resources
You may also be interested in:
Entry Level: Number Recognition and Counting to 10 - 94-Slide PowerPoint Lesson
More Maths Resources
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This resource contains a worksheet on words ending in the suffix -sion and -ssion (English Programmes of Study: Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –sion / ssion) .
You may also be interested in:
Set of 22 Worksheets - Words Ending in Suffix sion / ssion
This resource contains 22 worksheets on words ending in the suffix -sion or -ssion. Several of the worksheets are differentiated. Tasks include finding the missing words, constructing sentences, word searches, anagrams, converting verbs to nouns by adding the suffix -sion or -ssion spelling practice sheets and worksheets to stretch and challenge more able pupils.
PowerPoint Lesson - Words Ending in Suffix sion / ssion
This resource contains a fully editable, 70-slide PowerPoint lesson on words ending in the suffix - sion. It includes the rules for adding the suffix -sion to words ending in -d, -de, -s, -ss, -mit, -el and rules for adding suffix -ssion. The PowerPoint visually demonstrates how to do this. It also contains a timed activity to find as many -sion words as possible. There is also an anagram challenge.
*Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate
PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 22 Worksheets - Words Ending in Suffix sion / ssion
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This resource contains a word search on phase 2 of the first one hundred high-frequency words.
You may also be interested in:
First One Hundred High-Frequency Words Resource Pack
The resource contains:
Four PowerPoints containing the first 100 high-frequency words in phase order - building blocks based theme.
30 spelling practice worksheets (differentiated). These are ideal for homework.
Word mat of the 100 high-frequency words.
Eight word searches on the first 100 high-frequency words (phase order)
Flash cards for all of the 100 high-frequency words.
A set of certificates to award to pupils for progress and achievements in mastering the reading and spelling of the first 100 words.
More Spelling Resources
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This is a short presentation on alphabetical order using the first letter. It clearly demonstrates how to place words in alphabetical order.
You may also be interested in:
Alphabetical Order: 80-Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This is an editable, 80-slide PowerPoint lesson about alphabetical order. The PowerPoint clearly and visually demonstrates and explains alphabetical order to the first, second, third, fourth and fifth letter. Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to practise putting items into alphabetical order.
You may also be interested in:
Alphabetical Order: 24-Page Workbook
This resource contains a 24-page workbook on alphabetical order. It includes three information sheets, nineteen worksheets (with answers) and a progress check. Tasks include:
placing words/ items in alphabetical order by the second and third letters
locating patient's names in a filing system
locating CDs in alphabetically labelled boxes
writing lists in alphabetical order
Save money and buy both the PowerPoint lesson and the worksheets at a discounted rate:
Alphabetical Order - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook
More Free English and Maths Worksheets
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This resource contains two worksheets on the Year 3 and 4 homophones - great, grate, grown, groan, knot and not. Pupils have to select the correct homophone and create sentences using the homophones.
You may also be interested in:
Year 3 and 4 Homophones - 35 Page Workbook
The 35-page workbook includes 8 explanation/information pages and 28 worksheets. Tasks include choosing the correct homophones for sentences, writing sentences using the homophones and correcting incorrectly used homophones.
Year 3 and 4 Homophones - 150 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
The editable PowerPoint lesson explains the meanings of the homophones with examples and provides examples and opportunities for pupils to decide which is the correct homophone.
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
Year 3 and 4 Homophones PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook
This resource is appropriate for year 3 and 4 pupils and older SEN students
Homophones include accept, except, affect, effect, ball, bawl berry, bury, brake, break, fair, fare, grate, great, grown, groan, heel, heal, he’ll, knot, not, mail, male, main, mane, meat, meet, medal, meddle, missed, mist, peace, piece, plain, plane, rain, rein, reign, scene, seen, weather, whether,
whose, who’s
More Homophone Resources
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This resource contains a short PowerPoint presentation on full stops and capital letters.
You may also be interested in:
Full Stops - 50 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This is a fully editable 50-slide PowerPoint lesson presented by the punctuation character - the ‘Full Stop’ who explains how and when to use the full stop and why it is important to place it accurately in writing. The PowerPoint clearly demonstrates that a capital letter is needed at the start of a sentence. Ample opportunities are provided throughout the PowerPoint for pupils to decide where the full stops and capital letters should go.
Full Stops - Set of 14 Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 14 worksheets on using full stops to demarcate sentences. Answers are also included.
Tasks include:
Placing full stops at the end of simple sentences
Placing full stops in writing containing several sentences
Placing full stops in short paragraphs
Composing own sentences
Correcting sentences in which the full stops have been incorrectly placed
These resources are appropriate for Year 2- 6 pupils and older SEN / ASL / Entry Level students who may find sentence demarcation challenging and have yet to master the basics of punctuation in writing.
More Free English Resources
This resource contains two worksheets on number recognition and counting to 10.
You may also be interested in:
Number Recognition and Counting to 10 - 32 Page Workbook
Number Recognition and Counting to 10 PowerPoint Lesson
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
Number Recognition and Counting to 10 PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
More Free Maths Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a short presentation on Christmas around the world and how it is celebrated in several countries.
You may also be interested in:
Christmas Around the World
This resource contains a fully editable, 55-slide PowerPoint presentation on Christmas celebrations, customs and traditions in different countries around the world. The countries featured include Argentina, Belgium, Australia, Iceland, Spain and Russia.
The presentation concludes with asking the pupils the question, which country they would like to visit at Christmas and why?
This is an ideal assembly for the Christmas period and will contribute to the pupils’ ‘spiritual, moral, social and cultural’ learning (SMSC) and will help to actively promote the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Christmas Around the World 2
This presentation focuses on Christmas in Austria, Brazil, Ethiopia and France.
Christmas Around the World 3
This focuses on Christmas in Bulgaria, Germany, Ghana and Greece.
Save money and buy Christmas Around the World presentations in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Christmas Around the World Bundle
More Christmas Resources
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This resource contains an explanation sheet and worksheet on using the comma to demarcate lists in sentences.
You may also be interested in:
Commas in Lists in Sentences - 20 Page Workbook
This resource contains a 20-page workbook (18 worksheets and 2 information sheets) with answers on using commas to demarcate items / phrases within sentences and to separate adjectives when there are two or more describing a noun. It is an ideal independent learning pack for home learning, distance learning and remote learning.
Tasks include:
inserting commas in the correct places in sentences
rewriting incorrectly punctuated sentences
composing own sentences containing a list of items
composing own sentences using two or more adjectives
punctuating The Twelve Days of Christmas with commas
composing own lyrics for the Twelve Days of Christmas and punctuating with commas
Commas in Lists in Sentences - PowerPoint Lesson
This is a fully editable, 35-slide PowerPoint lesson on using the punctuation device, the comma, in lists in sentences. The PowerPoint explains how to use the comma in lists in sentences and to separate adjectives when there are two or more describing a noun. There are opportunities for pupils to insert the comma in the correct place and to identify where the comma has been misplaced in sentences.
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate.
Commas in Lists in Sentences - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook
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